Friday, September 30, 2005
  PIPA Poll- Promoting Democracy Abroad?
Shrub doesn't seem too wild about the stuff here in this country, what's he gonna export?
  Protein wisdom: Proudly Self-proclaimed Similarities To A Jackass (2)
As I was saying, Mr. GGorG? was desperately reaching out with, what was to him, an important question. I had no idea of this when I reasonably and accurately labeled as inane (as in lacking significance or point) his "Shrill?..." comment on my pithy post . For in a matter of two sentences I had managed to deflate his lengthy post that, on this occasion, wasn't his usual regurgitation of another more noted neo-idiot (well, maybe a little Hitchens). Certainly, if anything else had bubbled up from the intellectual, emotional and psycho-sexual tumult raging within him at that time, he had full access to Comments to express whatever was on his conflicted mind. But it was that comment that he chose to set forward. He had come to this lonely outpost of the internet, reaching out from the depths of his tortured soul.

So much of his conflict was portrayed in the very nature of his simple comment. First the questioning, "Shrill?", followed by the resignation of, "Uh, okay". I thought about how in those moments of solitary darkness, when he questions who he is, it comes to him that he knows to be true what he has been fighting against for so long.

Of course I tried to do what I could, I told him he wasn't quite as shrill as a girl. But his next comment would show me there was even more to this raging flambe' of pathos.

More Later
Thursday, September 29, 2005
  Solomon- AP
Bushco takes a beating in Solomon's write-up on the Miller case. Straight reporting, nice job.
  Free Judy, Free Judy, Free Judy.... whoops
She's out.

Update: Okay, I had my fun with that. It appears she's gotten the green light from Scooter and has been able to work out an agreement on the scope of her testimony. One report I read said she'll testify Friday. I thought for sure they'd shoot for the World Series.
Let's get it on. The Butcher says it's still a work in progress but certainly a very good start in the right direction.
  VIA Cursor- CJR
Why is the WaPo flacking for the WH on this Hughes event? Another example of why "media bias" does not address the real issues.
"Hellerstein said in his 50-page opinion that he respected Myers' arguments but noted, 'My task is not to defer to our worst fears, but to interpret and apply the law, in this case, the Freedom of Information Act, which advances values important to our society, transparency and accountability in government,' Hellerstein said."
  Thought Vigilantes At Work
Mark Twain has two on the list.
  Pat Robertson may have really cheesed-off god
I saw this "study" the other day and it is moving up the indices now. My guess is that it is only slightly ahead of Intelligent Design in adherence to scientific methodology.

And of course, we know that it is the godless heathen that are committing all the nasties; the Catholic priests, Jimmy Swaggert, Jim Baker, Jim Jones, the idiots killing their children because god told them to...
  Up and down the indices but still cool
A collection of videos and sound boards
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
  Why can't we all just get along?
  Couldn't happen to a nicer guy
Geraldo wonders what four letter word. Somebody please tell him that for years he's been the cliche for bloviated narcissism in the media.
  And then the next week
Bless his persistent little heart. Remember, the secretary said the facts of the case were correct.
  NYTimes corrects- Blight Bling Blogs have something to write about this week
This has already come up this week in relation to NOLA. This is what the media does- it makes mistakes and corrects them.
  FBI as SysAdmin
Let's hope Roberts gets up to speed on the First Amendment quickly.
  Oh, no we don't
"Unfortunately, because Mr Grant won’t post any of these supposedly offensive comments showing just how bad rightwingers are, we have to take his word for it."
  Dividends for all
Another example of companies benefiting from the empowering of employees. Owning the code means a higher level of commitment.
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
  Protein wisdom: Proudly Self-proclaimed Similarities To A Jackass (1)
Naturally, I'm ahead in this special olympics race. Whatever (Glick, Gannon, Goldstein, who knows?) repressed persona the Right is putting forward these days, they've essentially failed to come to terms with what is troubling them. I really don't want to be drawn into such a dyspeptic derby. But we should work to uncover the true nature of the imbroglio. Fortunately, because of the diminished scope of thought of a neo-idiot, one may readily discover their motives through observable behavior: I make no claim to clairvoyance.

Putting this in the context of Mr. GGorG? having seen his highly rated post undone by events, his reaching out to this lonely outpost of the internet can be seen as a last, desperate attempt to communicate the doubts, questions and confused emotions swirling through his troubled mind. The importance of his initial contact is unmistakable: "Shrill? Uh, okay."

More to come
Monday, September 26, 2005
  GUI, GUI, we gotta go now
Done old school
  China net controls
They wonder whether or not window dressing: Readily available, codified means for arbitrary enforcement is enough for me.
  E&P- cool Dylan
Greg is a big reason why I like E&P. I'm not the first to note the evolution from something more than just an industry insiders' rag.
  You decide
I have to wonder about the legality of the tapes. I assume they were an acknowledged part of his duties.
  Beware of the Blog
These fine folks are also the home of WWOZ in Exile.

This is a link to 21 versions of "They're Comimg to Take Me Away..."
  Two from slashdot
Prof. Greenspun, of MIT, and the Sun president feel the personal computer will pass in favor of web services delivered by the likes of a cell phone. I have somewhat of problem with that model.

As close as they may have moved it, that would be like making the library the only source of information.
Sunday, September 25, 2005
  Too busy for a flame war but....
My usage of shrill was correct per my response: It is the timbre of the keyboard commandos. Along with the usage of inane to describe your comment. You talk about f**king guys like me, are you the "Jeff" Gannon? This protein wisdom, are you swallowing it?

And to the sputnik, Bill, you brought along with you: Jeff might be able to offer you help on your usage, popinjay and tough-guy are incongruous (big word alert). If I thought you were capable of it, I would consider the possibility of an attempt at irony. And I'm not all that tough, it just seems like that to guys like you.

You boys have a nice day; run along and play.

Update: This is an example of why people turn off comments. Now I'll have to run for the rest of my life because the yellow elephants are after me.
Update2: Jeff now informs me that he's not playing anymore. I wonder what that could mean. Well, he did seem a little cranky; maybe he decided to go down for a nap. And I guess Jeff has another alias, his email came from a Jeff Goldstein. Now don't go away mad, Jeff, just go away.
  I know better
This is what I get for violating a general policy not to link to the keyboard commandos. One of them comes to my house and disrespects me by leaving inane comments.

Dear Ersatz Protein and Wisdom,
Shrill? Yes, shrill. Not quite in that crazed gopher Michelle Malkin tone of shrill: But shrill in that seeing your vacuous, factually challenged position being swept away by a groundswell of public opinion (remember the polls and attendance?) so you set up the tired old strawman of media bias, and can't even make that stick, kind of shrill. And I have to assume because you chose to challenge "shrill" and not "malarky" you're assenting to that one.

Anything else you wanna say, sparky?
camera simulator/photography training tool
Poll results are indicating that the Dem's should be taking a stand but they are not. The Republican attack machine is still well oiled and ready to swing into action so the loyal (sniveling wimp of an) opposition is still keeping its powder dry.
  Yahoo!: The Snitchin' Sucks Are Running-Dogs Of The Counter-Revolutionaries
Operation! Yahoo!:The revolution will be digitized.
It's always struck me that the possibilities for great good and grave injustice lay somewhere within the ones and zeros. We have a certain tradition in literature, from science-fiction to satire, of the digitally enhanced despot. Systematic control of information has been a tool of those in power since we have had a history. The envisioned omnipotence of technology brought the dark possibility of big brother's penetration into the smallest facets of our lives.
As the Web has spread across our world, access has seen the previous models of cultural communication (along with their controlled state) fall away. Depending on perspective, they may call it citizens' media, mass-amateurisation, folksonomy or any of the other terms that pass in and out of usage for user control of information. Communication has become considerably less a case of top-down control despite the dire apprehensions. It seems a rolling tide that will be hard to turn back. That is not to say that no one is trying. China stands head and shoulders above all the rest in their efforts with hundreds of thousands of people devoted to monitoring and controlling the Web activities of their fellow countrymen.
The Chinese have built their heavily censored internet with the help of American companies; Cisco, Google, Microsoft, Yahoo! and others have provided the hardware, tweaked the software and generally turned a blind eye to what is going on. Not quite three weeks ago, a year old case came to light where it appears Yahoo!, from what is known to date, has taken the most active role yet in aiding the Chinese government's thought police. Efforts by the Communist Party to squash the remembrance of the Tianamen Square massacre became a state secret with the willing aid of Yahoo!
Shi Tao, a journalist, posted the substance of a one CP warning to a site here in the United States. Yahoo! provided the information necessary to link the posting to Shi. He was sentenced to ten years imprisonment. Jerry Yang, a co-founder of Yahoo!, has been quoted as saying that they were simply complying with a legal order of which they had no idea of the nature. I can't believe that is true. Someone at Yahoo! must have looked at the pro-democracy site and the document that was posted there. They had cost a man ten years of his life, as evil hacks of a despotic system, and continued to lie to hide their greed driven willing participation.
I was seething for a week about this. For me, it is hard to imagine any amount of money that could mean taking away ten years from another man's life for the likes of what Shi did. At the time, despite some play on the Web, it hadn't hit the MSM on my radar. It seemed a major evil done without the notice of a great many people. It would send me to do the closest thing to political action in years. I just did not know what, yet.
It struck me that there was a large number of Yahoo! users in this country that had no idea of what was going on or the role they were playing in supporting the company. It occurred to me that should change and that Yahoo! had a readily available database of users. I would hit the personals and utilize the search functions in there, it was user control of information for the purpose of freedom. Never mind that it may not have been totally in keeping with the spirit of the TOS or that it would leave me with the dirty feeling of a semi-spammer. I could take care of that with a carefully crafted letter.
The cynic in me was struck by how 60's it seemed. You know, hustling babes under the cover of political action. I had to go with that feeling and pick what I thought were the best of the women: Most would be progressive, educated and, through interests and occupation, be identified as likely opinion-leaders. There was a heavy concentration in academics, media and computer/internet users. Some would be selected because they were "Real People" models for the service: I thought it important they know what they were fronting for. On to my email introduction.
No doubt, I was contemplating the economic side of political action. Why do bars have ladies' night? I had to work into the letter some of the other options available to move to for personals. I had to work URL's into it without tripping any filters that Yahoo! might have employed. I also had to work into it a plausible legal defense should Yahoo! contemplate action. I'm probably pushing the limits of candor with this post in light of that consideration. I would use several different versions of the letter, also. As always, I was honest, a little windy perhaps but to the point. And got off a pretty good presentation of the Shi case.
I would contact 116 women having no idea how they would respond. I started working back from a 250 mile radius. I had no picture posted with my sparsely written profile. I knew these things would limit the response. I feel an obligation to not go into detail about those who did respond. The message was of an ambivalent nature and I would feel like it would be an invasion of their privacy. Let's just say I'd be spending most Saturday nights without a date.
This will end this particular action. I'm going to send a link to this to a couple women and then my account will be cancelled. I think the effect I had was probably pretty small.
My investment of time and money for this was small considering the chances for bringing light onto the Shi case. If I was more of the geek, I could have possibly crafted an API to automate more of the process. I hope somebody stumbles across this and improves on the technique. And despite the apparently limited effect, I'm really glad I did it. I had to do something and it was a pretty good stretch of the legs for a future action.
I have to mention that Google, the fine folks that host this blog, are also running-dogs of the counter-revolutionaries. It would just seem not quite as bad.
  Call for help gets $600
Perhaps the projects in Iraq could come in within the budget if it weren't for the graft, corruption, bribery, no-bid contracts, inflated costs, stupidity, mismanagement, political cronies, political hacks, Halliburton, Blackwater, KBR, GWB, Rumy, head-in-the-sand.......
  Try to beat a Marine for gung-ho
This ain't Cindy Sheehan saying we're in the wrong.
  Blackwater- the sewage of capitalism
I've been skeptical of some of the claims from the left about involvement of Blackwater in New Orleans. There is increasing evidence that those claims have been right all along.

I despise Hessians, mercenaries and hired thugs.
  Protein Propaganda
Let's see, wrong on the numbers (police estimate 100,000), if you don't agree you don't know and the bias is on the part of AP.

What is amazing is that some shrill bit of malarky like this gets as many hits as it does.
Friday, September 23, 2005
  RFS Help to Bloggers and Cyber-dissidents
Got it.
  Real world Tom Clancy
Thursday, September 22, 2005
  Yahoo! Sucks!
Operation! Yahoo! is about over. The cynic in me can't help but think," So 60's". I mean, hustlin' babes while engaged in political action.

After action report (no action) to follow.
  Some Fishy CYA- Able Danger
Bushco didn't think the product was any good and dismantled it months prior to 9/11.

So then why is it top secret now and Rumy doesn't want anyone talking about it?
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
  Intelligence Design- Lots Resign
Goss has been working the Bushco magic over at the CIA. A fair number of able, senior officers have been quitting. We all remember the miracle the study group worked on intelligence at the Pentagon.
  WaPo on Yahoo!......More right
It was a directive or circular from the Communist Party that was verbally communicated by editors to Shi Tao. A number of sites are just referencing the document and not including how it was conveyed to Shi Tao;, my source, one of them.
  WaPo on Yahoo
We're in disagreement over it being a memorandum or according to WaPo a talk.

Who you gonna believe me or them? We'll be investigating.
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
  The Brass Ones Win
So, I'm doing the oral interview to be a policeman before a board of cops after a high score on the tests.

What do you like to do?


What was the last thing you read?

The Naked and the Dead.

I was never a policeman.
  A brave soul passes
  Laugh Fest In the Making
I'm trying to keep this keyword neutral. Go see what Bushco has assigned as one of its top priorities and ask yourself where it fits on your to-do list.
  Not Impressed
Neil Young is one of my favorite musicians but I don't think I'll be buying this one.
Monday, September 19, 2005
  Damage control
I think these black Republicans should go and do some organizing at one of the FEMA camps.
  Rocketing up the indices
Doublespeak advisory on this one. What a crock of shit.

Assrocket is getting lots of links. This one is simply to blogdex where you can find the link, if you are so inclined.

The Yellow Elephant minions of Bush have always attacked the patriotism of anyone that questions the policies of the Burnt-Out One.
Sunday, September 18, 2005
  Good Luck
I didn't post on the webcam thing in China. Here's one take on it.

I've read that the p0rn0 sites have been the drivers of some innovation on the web, generally. Here's the chance for sex to drive change on the internet in China.
  Holiday Ahoy
A great and glorious day, mateys. Walk the talk or walk the plank.
  Yahoo: The Snitchin' Sucks
Kids, if ya gotta do the online personals thing, switch to using Lycos.

Google, the fine people hosting this blog, are running dogs of the counter-revolutionaries, also.
  New Trig
Could be very cool and much more user-friendly.
Saturday, September 17, 2005
  Taco Bell has a new mascot
  Intelligent by design
Wouldn't you know, it ain't a 700 Club member.
  Belief in a higher truth
This points to the failings of contemporary conservative concepts of morality.
Friday, September 16, 2005
  Cheney not here, Must ask Condi
I thought it might have been faked so I held off. It seems not, too cool.
  "Lured"? Maybe driven
Large numbers of people do not up and decide "I wanna die" for no reason. And religion isn't really a reason for large numbers to decide they want to die. Were they "lured" with candy?

Messed-up stuff breeds more messed-up stuff.
I'm sorry, just running the name across the mind is funny enough for me. Anyway, got his feelings hurt, threatening to sue the NYTimes, blah, blah, blah...
  Bad news for Bushco- now run with it
I wondered about this and it appears Shrub was out of bounds on the revocation of Davis-Bacon.

This will require the most delicate handling and is the opportunity to also bring into play the question of no-bid contracts by Bushco affiliates.

Yo, let's be blunt about this. Every dollar skimmed in profit out of the wage earner's pocket is simply going to Bushco stockholders.
Thursday, September 15, 2005
  Roberts not up to speed on the 1st
Lawyers like to be prepared, no doubt. His responses are miserable particularly when you consider that he will be our top jurist. Do you think they put it first for a reason?

This doesn't look good.
  Iraqi Or Not, Journalists Get Shot
Or locked up. The circumstances under which they are detained are very questionable and their release often delayed.

I have been trying to find one overall explanation for what is happening to reporters that doesn't gag me in disgust. I try to make the assumption of a basic decency in my fellow citizens, even under the difficult circumstances of fighting a war. But, at the very least circumstantial, evidence points to the motivation for these things as being message control. I hope that isn't true.
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
  Nothing to see here, move along
The CPJ is calling for examination of the repeated killings of journalists by coalition forces.
  It Just Keeps Gettin'....
Duct tape man to the rescue. When Bushco does things like this it's a pretty good indicator of just how out of touch they are.

My money is on the thinking that they saw fireman on the resume and took that as a positive selling point. Hey, it's got a 9/11 connection.
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Kinda busy. I'll get around to tellin' you about it later.
Monday, September 12, 2005
  Via & AP: Who ya gonna call? Ghost Busters or a lawyer?
Actually, it sounds more like a case of which witch doctor to call.

I'm sorry, I blame this kind of screwball crap on the intellectual precursors set by those goofy hippies. I'm all into the right of any rune-casting maroon to have their beliefs, I just can't see why the finer points of their demonology would be a subject for civil law. If I was the judge, I would seriously consider censuring the lawyer.
Sunday, September 11, 2005
  Remember 9/11?
FEMA is a patronage haven for Repug cronies.

Is now a bad time to ask where's Osama?
  There's been a change; thank you, fear mongering neocons
This is more than just the economics of providing public services. Armed yahoos (I don't care what their background is, murky legal waters have allowed Blackwater and its ilk to act as undisciplined hooligans) should not be the face of our civil authority.

That violent hooliganism was at work when the paranoid pigs (that's right, I said "pigs") of the sheriff's department turned back with gunfire hundreds of people trying to cross a bridge out of the devastation of New Orleans.

I'm personally aware that sometimes harsh things must be done for the sake of protecting yourself and good. But the abandonment of decency and decorum (the free expression of our civil liberties) on the chance of something bad happening is not the brave face of our nation.

Update: After some searching, I've only been able to find a reputable source saying that Blackwater security has been hired by private business owners. I have found a believable story of one Blackwater employee stating he had been deputized by the governor; doubt that he has been deputized, believe that some swaggering idiot would try to enhance his apparent authority.
Saturday, September 10, 2005
  Let's put an easier face on political dissent
I like a whole bunch of what the EFF does.
  Windows Vista- Hardware Heavy
About a year to go before this slides in. DRM heavy, too.
  Shrub Shrinks in Stature
Not by chance, I happened to peg this here. But the fact is the Repugs are starting to regain their footing after a catastrophic failure. Laura Bush (the First Lady has been historically used in this capacity) is the soft leading edge of the counter-attack with her declaration that the charges of racism are "disgusting".
Friday, September 09, 2005
  Thought on email- don't put an address on a draft until it is finished (in case you hit "send" instead of "save")
Subject: Shi Tao

"I find this case to be most troubling. Tao's post was to a Web site here in the United States and in so much as Yahoo is an American company, whatever deference it feels towards local (Chinese) law, I would hope that it would be guided in its corporate actions by the principles of intellectual freedom that have so enabled Yahoo's growth.

I have a blog and a background in journalism. I strongly believe in the notion of activist, civic journalism. What that means to me is that as a journalist (and publisher) I should engage in activities that will bring to the light of knowledge those matters for the furtherance of the community of humanity. I, personally, find the actions of a number of American companies in the service of Chinese government repression quite despicable. To my present knowledge, however, the actions of Yahoo in this case are the most egregious to date.

I see from your site that your organization is lobbying for intercession by former President Clinton. I understand his cache is considerable. But, realistically, his chances of swaying the Chinese government are limited "...

What I was about to propose was direct action; a boycott. I realize that Yahoo might seem beyond the reach of a pitiful few. Sometimes a fight is worth it, even if your chances look slim.
  VIA Cursor (sans links)
President Bush, reasoning that requiring contractors to pay prevailing wages in Katrina's aftermath would "increase the cost to the Federal Government," issued a proclamation suspending Davis-Bacon.

Halliburton, meanwhile, has a debit card drawing from the Treasury.
  FEMA Will Direct Deposit Now- @UnderWater State Bank
This is positively screwy. Can't help but wonder if it is just a coincidence that there was an undertone of anxiety that the evacuees might stay in some Texas areas and it was also the only spot the debit cards were distributed.

Direct deposit is a non-winner for most folks in the shelters: no money to open an account and access to any previous bank account (if they had one) will not be likely.
  CompUSA Auctions and HP a530n
I've been as busy as the proverbial bee this week. Which makes the trouble-free operation of the computer a life saver.

The good prices at the auction mean I'll have more cash to use when it comes time to unwind.

Oh yeah, and for legal expenses if I'm lucky.
Thursday, September 08, 2005
  Yahoo Sucks
As I've mentioned, a whole bunch of American (freedom loving?) companies have played varying roles in China's repressive tactics. Google, the wonderful folks who run this blogging service, among them.

So Yahoo has decided to stonewall on this issue of the Chinese journalist jailed as a result of Yahoo's allegedly cooperating with the Chinese government. As I have also mentioned, the fact that the posting took place at an American Web site makes this all the more unsettling.

This issue is getting some play on the Web but to my knowledge no one is discussing a response. It strikes me that something needs to be done. And I'm just the kind of guy to show his ass over this.

  Yahoo a Snitch?
This really upsets me. I find the "local customs" defense without merit.

So there are these cannibals on an island. Yahoo, I suppose, would feel obliged to help them in all their dietary hungers.
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
  If this is true, we should boycott Yahoo
A number of American companies are just way too close to the Chinese government's repressive mechanisms. Let's face it, all their lame excuses sound pretty sickening. Google, the wonderful people behind this blogging service, are no exception.

There is no way this should be allowed to stand.
  Terrorist Devils in Cyber-attack on American Porn
(I'll get some strange hits from that title)
Freedom-hating jihadists are on a moral mission to stamp out adult Web sites, says anti-virus firm Sophos.

The Trojan horse, called Yusufali-A, monitors Web surfing habits, reports.

When it spots an objectionable term such as "sex" or "exhibition" in the browser's title bar, it hides the Web site and instead pops up a message taken from the Koran, says Gregg Mastoras, a senior security analyst with Sophos.

"Allah knows how ye move about and how ye dwell in your homes," reads part of the message, says Gregg Mastoras, senior security analyst at Sophos.

More on the Pat Robertson threat as events develop.
  FEMA: More Bad Priorities
I understand communication is important but at a time like this a thousand or more trained rescue personnel could be put to better use. Maybe Shrub should have been handing out these cards.

I just think it seems we see this theme all the time with Bushco. They're more concerned with spin and PR than the actual work. This is quite literally a case of, what 800 number can you use when you're up to your ass in alligators?
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
  "Babs" Bush Just A Wee Bit Senile
This is just screwy. She once was the only Bush I had any respect for. The arrogance of affluence speaks to the conditions for the survivors-" they were poor anyway, so screw 'em".
Monday, September 05, 2005
  NOLA: Diffusion of the confusion
"For 72 hours this police department and the fire department and handful of citizens were alone rescuing people. We have people who died while the National Guard sat and played cards. I understand why we are not winning the war in Iraq if this is what we have."

Riley, NOLA deputy police commander, said there is "a semblance of organization now."
  Via TPM-
Set up photo-ops, lying and the howl of the keyboard commandos- NOLA is Iraq, is deja vu all over again.

I understand why, in the CNN interview, Sen. Landrieu didn't want to cheese-off any of the folks she was going to need for help. I also admire the way she handled an obviously rattled Anderson Cooper.

But I also see, a la 9/11, the principals in a colossal failure being the principle recipients of their magnanimity in not wanting to point fingers.
  Enlightened Self-interest
Chavez is donating a million barrels of oil. Not really a lot but they are talking about the economic growth impact of rising oil prices.
  Shades of Atlas Shrugged
His wife studied architecture in Chicago, pointed him to the similarities between what is happening in NOLA and life in the Chicago housing projects.

Unbridled racism by people that watch Fox news. That's all the explanation this piece of intellectual fluff deserves.
  E&P on Shrub
It strikes me that E&P has done a pretty good job of picking up for the failings of journalism.

Without being quite as righteous as Poynter or CJR, they've gone about hitting Bushco on the points that MSM has dropped.
Sunday, September 04, 2005
  Pig in a poke?

What is the length of the manufacturer's warranty?

Dear Best Buy Outlet Customer,

Thank you for contacting the Best Buy Outlet.

We appreciate your note. Warranties vary by product. The warranty information will be included with the item.

We look forward to your next visit to the Best Buy Outlet. Please do not hesitate to contact us with additional questions or concerns.

Sincerely,Best Buy Outlet

  I never knew PayPal worked for Shrub
  It ain't lookin' good for our lil' Cowboy-in-Chief
I feel as if my writing has pointed to specific points that were wanting in Shrub. I know I wasn't alone in recognizing these failings. I am somewhat apolitical (being a recovering Trotskyite) so I feel as though my motives were, shall we say, purer.

My single greatest wish at this point is that we, as the body politic, do not make these same mistakes again anytime soon. I know better than to think we won't ever allow this to happen to ourselves. We just can't afford it right away. We had everything before us that we were being handed a fraud. We were swayed by the simplest of hogwash (though effectively conveyed).
  Speaking of not repeating mistakes...
Is now a bad time to bring up what the Red Cross did after 9/11?
Saturday, September 03, 2005
  CompUSA Auctions and HP a530n
I was able to remove the spyware without any problem. I think. According to two programs.

It is just one of those things, you feel kinda violated after something like that. It looks as if it was just a browser redirect with targeted pop-ups and with SP2's pop-up blocker it wasn't really noticeable. The computer is quick but there was still a slight drop in performance when surfing.

I'm using the HP camera with it this weekend and haven't had a problem. The college is chewing up the grounds of a stately old manor to construct a large parking lot so I've been taking pictures.

Been doing some more online shopping, elsewhere. Let's just say it wasn't the "Best" experience. More later.
  Shrub gets another chance to screw-up
The no-talent, no-class, no brains, burnt-out, frat-boy failure is now going to have the chance to wreck the SCOTUS.

Well, judging by everything else he's done we're in for some jack-booted times.
  WWOZ in Exile
WFMU is hosting Real, MP3 and WinMedia streams for the station.
  This is the way the Duke woulda done it
He gets off the 'copter cussin' and people start movin'.

He is also somewhat attuned to other factors. I had noticed the visible impression given in a news photo of an armored vehicle going through the water manned by personnel with weapons raised.

Gen. Honore is reminding folks that New Orleans is not Iraq.
Friday, September 02, 2005
  Information Board For New Orleans Musicians
Below is a list of locals in the music biz reporting in as being OK. WWOZ has started compiling this list in response to inquiries from fans and family around the world.

Anderson, Theresa-APVR-Bonerama-Crooks and Nannies-DelRosario, Anthony (Turducken Productions)-Doc Otis-Domino, Fats-Freilich, Jonathan (New Orleans Klezmer All-Stars)Harvey, Tom-Hot Club of New Orleans-Leonard, Herman-Lucia, Ingrid-Lyons, Jeremy-Marsalis, Wynton-Masa & Masako (Dragon's Den)-Neville Brothers-Osborne, Anders-OTRA: Brent Rose (VA), Pupi Menes (Baton Rouge), Eric Lucero- Sam Price (Denmark)-Panorama Jazz Band-Riley, Josh (Saaraba)-Singleton, James-Thomas, Irma-Wagner, Rob-Zydepunks

WWOZ has been off the air but they are running a message board at their site.

Some Blues and some Gospel would come in handy, for sure.
  Shrub Cares (about his poll numbers)
The leed on this story says Shrub wants to boost the spirits of the residents of the struck coastal areas. My ass- Rove is beginning to fathom how bad this is going to play for the neo-idiots.
Thursday, September 01, 2005
  Looking For Someone To Blame
There are those, here and abroad, who want to connect the devastation of Katrina to our environmental policies; could be but tenuous at best.

Residents in this story, however, are making a connection between our lack of available resources for response and the decisions of Bushco.

I'm telling you, by the time Shrub's term is over people will be thinking quite differently of him then in the past. In terms of Presidential performance, Jimmy Carter will seem like a clear headed, dynamic character.
  I think we can see a trend
Bushco seems like it just can't get out of its own way. Katrina appears to be another example of Shrub ignoring the warnings only for other people to pay the cost.
iconoclastic will do, thank you.

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