Protein wisdom: Proudly Self-proclaimed Similarities To A Jackass (2)
As I was saying, Mr. GGorG? was desperately reaching out with, what was to him, an important question. I had no idea of this when I reasonably and accurately labeled as inane (as in lacking significance or point) his "Shrill?..." comment on my
pithy post . For in a matter of two sentences I had managed to deflate his lengthy post that, on this occasion, wasn't his usual regurgitation of another more noted neo-idiot (well, maybe a little Hitchens). Certainly, if anything else had bubbled up from the intellectual, emotional and psycho-sexual tumult raging within him at that time, he had full access to Comments to express whatever was on his conflicted mind. But it was that comment that he chose to set forward. He had come to this lonely outpost of the internet, reaching out from the depths of his tortured soul.
So much of his conflict was portrayed in the very nature of his simple comment. First the questioning, "Shrill?", followed by the resignation of, "Uh, okay". I thought about how in those moments of solitary darkness, when he questions who he is, it comes to him that he knows to be true what he has been fighting against for so long.
Of course I tried to do what I could, I told him he wasn't quite as shrill as a girl. But his next comment would show me there was even more to this raging flambe' of pathos.
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