Sunday, October 31, 2004
  Adam Nagourney's Personal Diary
I don't care if he drops his career as a journalist, this boy is crankin' out some humor. The comments section is a hoot and a half.
  Mudville Gazette- the throne
Slinging it from Mudville, they think they have a picture that explains why we are in Iraq. I have one that I think also helps explain why.
UPDATE: The picture was taken when Rummy worked for Reagan. You kow, the Republican that provided aid to Saddam and turned a blind eye to the gassing of the Kurds.

Rummy and the other dummy
  Nader the King Maker
I'm not much of one for the polls. Despite what some say is an aptitude for math, numbers often make my head hurt. I've also said that the most accurate poll is an exit poll. But they do seem to be, as a whole, pointing to one very tight race. They've been very generous to Shrub in their numbers so when even Fox has them even today at 48% it seems fair. At that it would seem that the margin of error is of limited importance.

Desperation for an alternative to Shrub does not seem likely to drive Nader's votes to be greater than what he got in 2000. The closeness of the race makes that 3% very important.

I have little hope of Nader ever seeing this, so pardon me if I'm not as articulate as I could be in advocating this point but I feel compelled to make note:

Please, please, please realize the importance of this race. You would not be dishonoring the efforts of your many supporters if you were to now throw your weight behind John Kerry. The defining elements of our country will be changed for many years to come (My abiding faith in our democratic processes allows me believe that we can eventually correct even the damage that Shrub has done/will do). The cost in lives and suffering to undo what will be wrought is sure to be on the heavy side of unknown. You've been a cultural icon for decades and all of that would pale beside the importance of supporting Kerry now. This could surely be your moment in history.
  Bull Moose
I've added the Moose to my blogroll. Here he agrees with Bill Maher and I about the vitriol that would roll if those limp-wristed, Commie Democrats (mild sample) had mucked up the war on terrorism as Shrub has.

More later on the Instatoadies but I want to comment on something right now. They have identified the base motivation for the criticism of the war. They that are under the spell of the Fearless Leader can see that the only reason for not loving him is because you have an unreasonable hate for He That Postures.
  New York Post Online Edition: postopinion
"If you've got a modem, I've got an obfuscation"

Instaglenn and George Will have combined for this nexus of conservative thought. Mr. Reynolds links to the Murdoch rag's online version of Will's endorsement of Shrub. We have this critical mass of Republican thought in one hairy ball. The distillation of Will through Reynolds is awesome to behold in it's horseshit. For that reason, I will deal solely with what Glenn has.

Will is right that we can (and should) question the feasibility of Shrub's grand scheme. But just because Shrub has gotten us into this mess is no reason to let him continue; no it is reason enough to take him off the job. Where we are now needs new leadership out of someone who will not continue to make the mistakes that we have. Remember in the debates when Shrub could not think of any mistakes he had made. You would be seriously out of touch with the situation to say that we have not made gross, fundamental errors. And I am really at a loss in finding any basis for Will's point that the Dem's are increasingly coming under the influence of the Moore faction.

Glenn then makes his usual snarky nod to the point and moves on to quote one of the warbloggers about what a good job has been done by our Fearless Leader; 10% fact, 90% spin and manure.

Gentlemen, "few plans survive first contact" is an old saw. How deep is the planning when catastrophic success throws your game off. What a crock.

Saturday, October 30, 2004
  BuzzMachine... by Jeff Jarvis
Get ready for a long one.
I really want to like Jeff's blog. I read it frequently and, while not always agreeing with him, often learn. Jeff is a technophile who has drank deeply of the blog kool-aid. That kinda sets up the irony of the situation in that despite the cutting-edge nature of his reputation he dispenses a lot of the so-called conventional wisdom. I guess if I were to give an example of the what I think are the limits of his thought it would be his focus on blogs instead of the social, distributive and dynamic mechanisms evolving alongside. Blogs have aided the development and appreciation of the mechanisms but they were due to occur anyway. Again, I state my affinity to the blog form. But they are nothing more than glorified personal web pages.

The point of this is that I feel compelled to respond to a post of his on the most recent Bin Laden tape. Without further ado:
What's also strange is that it's hard to see exactly how he wants to influence the election. Though it may seem he's trying to defeat the President, taunting Bush and America may only serve Bush. And that may be his goal: These cult nuts feed on having enemies and Bush is his ideal enemy.
This is the strange dichotomy that the voters find themselves in. We want a leader that is the best one to face the threat posed by Bin Laden and his ilk. Let's be honest, a whole lot of what we hear coming out of Shrub and the rest of the hedge sounds very cult-like. They have a real problem integrating reality. Isn't that a cult indicator? Jeff isn't without foundation here. Bush has been very good for Bin Laden's recruiting.

Then Jeff goes on to talk about what each of the candidates are saying about the tape and also references Richard Holbrooke, a Kerry advisor. Everything that Holbrooke and Kerry said was true. But it is bad form to in anyway associate yourself with an enemy statement. The American people do need to be reminded, that despite the swaggering, Shrub has been a miserable failure at getting Bin Laden.

By the way, Jeff, Bill Maher was right. The Republicans would have been all over the Dem's if they had been this lame. And Wes Clarke was right, also. Our fearless leader was on vacation.

  Bin Laden: 'Your security is in your own hands' - Oct 29, 2004
SOI- The Belmont Club says he wants to surrender, another site says (sarcastically) he'll get an FEC investigation for releasing the tape this close to the election. I say that given they've just clamped down on Zarqawi's org, OBL is hurtin' because they're taking away his tax deductible status.
Friday, October 29, 2004 | get your war on | page 42
This is an example of the left getting into the fray. I hope they know what they are talking about. I also hope this doesn't mean I'll get a visit from the SS (Secret Service). They've been doing some funky things this campaign.
  James Wolcott: Captain Queeg Plays with His Marbles
Mr. Wolcott beat me to the draw somewhat in identifying a mood or trend in the writings of some. I alluded to this in an earlier post when I said I found it ominous. His post refers specifically to Roger Simon but I think it has been echoed in the writings of the Instatoadies this past week and others. The term "civil war" is being thrown around and in the most sedate example it is being said that it will be fought by lawyers.

This same apocalyptic mood is somewhat apparent in the writings from those on the left. I understand their apprehensions. I believe that if Shrub is reelected he will embark on a course of actions that will make the last few years seem mild.

I think it would be wise for progressive elements in this country to assume a war-like footing regardless of the outcome of the election. If Shrub is reelected, they need to be prepared to fight an onslaught determined to turn back every bit of political progress we have made in the last 75 years. If Kerry is elected, they will face a rightwing mobilized to an extent that will make what was used on Clinton seem like child's play.
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
InstaToadies likes Shrub for doing this. They also liked "Mission Accomplished". Same end.
  Political Wire: Dead Letter Office
Just by coincidence (not), I wrote about this a week ago. The rumblings of this despicable tactic have been heard in the distance for some time.

There is something else also making rumblings now that I haven't quite been able to put a finger on. Our friends on the right are beginning to make noises concerning the outcome of the election. What I think I can reasonably assert at this time is that they are trying to frame the situation in such a way as to not damage their chances presently but to cast the opposition in a particular light if the outcome of the election is not clear nor favorable. I consider this matter to be just as ominous.
Monday, October 25, 2004
  PressThink: Too Much Reality: Is There Such a Thing?
I think that a lot of what Jay says is on target. I also found some of his writing on the Sinclair affair very wimpy and perhaps trying to straddle the issue.

Yes there is such a thing as too much reality. It usually occurs in very short, intense bursts. Reflection, if the opportunity can be found, will generally relieve the condition.

I think that if Jay had reflected just a little longer on his list he would have come to the conclusion that any "unified field theory" that could apply to all the elements of his list would soon fall upon examination.

There are a great many issues and forces at play in this game. I think that's what keeps it interesting.

  O'Reilly Favorite
This is just too cool in the timing. The irony is rich, this is just what every hot-blooded righty wants to hear.
Sunday, October 24, 2004
  Global left
Not quite done with the red menace, InstaGlenn uses the above tag to link to a Guardian Unlimited story by a TV critic. It was a boneheaded column and I think the Guardian was somewhat misguided in their Clark County venture also but I don't think that qualifies as proof of a worldwide conspiracy.
But it is part of his schtick that only the loyal, patriotic, right-wing Americans want Shrub reelected.
Sunday, October 17, 2004
  Juiceballpundit- vomit of tomorrow
Well, this idiot has found a high ranking in some of the recent indices. His rant concerns a Drudge post concerning an alleged Democratic memo. Dan Rather put his documents before the public. I wonder why Drudge doesn't do that.

Of course this sanctimonious nimrod says that the alleged Democratic memo shows a complete disregard for the democratic institutions and the "sanctity" of our elections. Coming from this ilk of blogger, that's a joke. I think the Republican racial targeting of potential voters is one of the great under-reported stories of this election. Again, another piece of shit that I refuse to link to.
iconoclastic will do, thank you.

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