New York Post Online Edition: postopinion
"If you've got a modem, I've got an obfuscation"
Instaglenn and George Will have combined for this nexus of conservative thought. Mr. Reynolds links to the Murdoch rag's online version of Will's endorsement of Shrub. We have this critical mass of Republican thought in one hairy ball. The distillation of Will through Reynolds is awesome to behold in it's horseshit. For that reason, I will deal solely with what Glenn has.
Will is right that we can (and should) question the feasibility of Shrub's grand scheme. But just because Shrub has gotten us into this mess is no reason to let him continue; no it is reason enough to take him off the job. Where we are now needs new leadership out of someone who will not continue to make the mistakes that we have. Remember in the debates when Shrub could not think of any mistakes he had made. You would be seriously out of touch with the situation to say that we have not made gross, fundamental errors. And I am really at a loss in finding any basis for Will's point that the Dem's are increasingly coming under the influence of the Moore faction.
Glenn then makes his usual snarky nod to the point and moves on to quote one of the warbloggers about what a good job has been done by our Fearless Leader; 10% fact, 90% spin and manure.
Gentlemen, "few plans survive first contact" is an old saw. How deep is the planning when catastrophic success throws your game off. What a crock.