Dvorak dislikes pygmyware
Trends tend to play out with unanticipated intersections along the way. Hard to deny the utility of ultra mobile devices even with their ergonomic limitations. The cost of such devices can be somewhat reduced through the use of cloud computing. The possible loss or water death of hardware means the moderated cost is needed to confer true mobile status.
An undeniable ultimate consequence of online storage and cloud computing are security breaches there. Folks will get around to realizing that and other limits placed on widely connected data sources.
We like the concept of modular devices and see wireless
USB, or the like, easing the connection hassle that would be associated with such an architecture. One avenue this could take would be to have the small mobile module act much in the way Ready-Boost does instead of just being one more syncing or connecting hassle.
Best time to take a stand against the war in Iraq
Klein and
Scahill touch on the sad fact that neither Democratic candidate (and certainly not their Republican counterpart) has anything like the comprehensive plan necessary to exit Iraq without it becoming a catastrophic boondoggle.
Poynter's E-Media Tidbits: Gassin' us, again
The assumption over here is that too narrow a focus obscures the larger picture.
In this election season, we understand that some might feel overloaded with politics and this might lessen the appreciation of the very real impact the seeming circus has on us all. Klein's roots in sports writing give rise to a self-acknowledged bias, also: Could have been entertainment and a whine about Britney not getting the attention she deserves.
Newspapers (and their online entities) must appeal to the broadest range of audiences on a daily basis. They also need to improve in execution across a broad range of issues. Call us intellectual snobs but allocating limited resources to these tasks would seem to point to those matters that have the greatest impact on the greatest number of readers and that ain't sports.
Improving the ongoing reporting and presentation of political news can only serve to make newspapers more relevant in the lives of readers. There is a lot of room (need) for improvement. Even if only locally, newspapers can enjoy a competitive edge in this reporting.
As for innovation in
sports coverage, the NCAA tournament season (admittedly with a fat, juicy target audience) shows plenty of forward thinking. Probably the only area with more online innovation is the p0rn0 industry.
Petitioner jailed in China
Land grabs are frequent in the Chinese economic expansion.
This comes just as China struggles with image control against the backdrop of the Olympics and the crisis in Tibet.
The Vista from here
We, honestly, don't have the concerns and headaches of tech support for a large university system. We are not exactly fans of the OS but do feel Vista has gotten some rough treatment. We have installed Vista's SP1 on two machines. So far nothing has seriously crashed and we have seen some gains in performance.
Why we like Kaus and Wright on
Our cynicism prompted us to check: The fine and noble effort that is
tv is shadowed by a "" link farm. The shadow site throws up some
tv keywords, also.
Newspapers get a cranky (but somewhat true) diagnosis from Dvorak
And he shoots an arrow at current "hyper-local" trend.
The hyper-local slot can be filled by large metro dailies with some small area focused pages on their site.
Our favorite time of the year- Sunshine Week
And our annual link.
We like to watch the stories that run when this journalistic season rolls around. A notable meme has been the resistance to open government at the state/local levels.
MIT's TR10
Looking hard at the intersection of reality mining and modeling.
Yeah, today is link clean-up day.
Also anti-social
Cringely is right: Social networks are CB's in need of aggregators-cum-filters.
But two points for consideration; a bunch of people made a bunch of money while CB's were hot and a semantic Web would enhance the ability of a social network to develop a collective intelligence.
It's the Constitution, stupid
We wondered when Shrub's Saturday address would get a cogent response: Leave it to the good folks at
Iraq in sight
The documentary "No End In Sight" was nominated for an Oscar. As the Marine lieutenant said near the end of the movie, we grow angry with the thought that this was the best America could do.
tv has a
conversation with Alex
Gibney who produced this movie and the Oscar-winner "Taxi to the Dark Side".