9/11- The time of the blog
The need for a conversation propelled blogs to what they are.
And Osama is still loose. A fat lot blogs did. Jeff Jarvis (as titular head of the Blog Boosters' Club he'll due for a citation, although there were others more virulent) vents and thousands of more Americans die unnecessarily.
We were sucked into a war that had little or nothing to do with what happened on that day due in large part to a mindset that blogs served to cultivate. The blog variant of web vigilantism took care of any chance of cooler heads prevailing (in all fairness, that was helped tremendously by the weenie state of Democratic politics).
To all the Keyboard Kommandos that find this somewhat treasonous (blogwise, too): Even as great a country as America is, we find ourselves with finite resources. If common sense didn't tell you that back then, there has been
enough evidence since. A certain bloodlust enabled a neocon agenda that thwarted the needed response. When Bin Laden, the proud perpetrator of the heinous acts of 9/11, did not get the smack-down of the century, well, that emboldened our enemies more than a thousand Cindy Sheehan's ever could. Way to go, idiots.