Epistemology: If they really know more than us, why should they bother?
Get down to the nitty gritty and the darling of Web 2.0,
Wikipedia, seems to undermine the base assumptions of the concept.
Being kinda
olde schoolle, I look somewhat askance at this stuff while Ms. Gahran's writings are positively giddy about the subject. My definition of the "new journalism" was formed long ago around the work of
Studs Terkel and I think that's a good place to be for a journalist. It has always been very important that we listen to and hear our audience because they are the important underlying human story. And having listened, you give their story back to them in a way where an individual can see their connection to the events of the world around them.
That's our job. We want to do it better than and unlike any other or the tagging masses will be flocking to that other outlet. Rapidly moving and evolving as it may now be, content is still king. It has worked as a highly imperfect model but so works the free marketplace of ideas.