CNN does citizen media
I can just imagine what the results from something like this would look like over at FNC.
Probably just a coincidence
Sources say Mee was told Gibson's comments would incite a lot of "Jewish hatred," that the situation in Israel was "way too inflammatory."
It was mentioned several times that Gibson, who wrote, directed, and produced 2004's "The Passion of the Christ," had incited "anti-Jewish sentiment" and "For a drunk driving arrest, is this really worth all that?"
Dark, warped death sitting with you at chow: and you don't know
Maybe you did, what seems a long time ago.
Green's troubled past wasn't part of the story at the time. His past produced attitudes that were in disconcerting proximity to what might be expected. And, allegedly, went way beyond what can be tolerated.
It should be mentioned that Green is not the only one charged in the rape and murder of a 14 year old girl. And the slaughter of her family.
Israel must stop
It was wrong to remain silent for this long and it is as a penitent's self-flagellance that I link to Yahoo.
Israel's response has been disproportionate and unwise. BushCo has enabled and quietly encouraged the tactics of Israel. The perception will be widespread that the blood is also on our hands.
This is the cruel, grisly gamesmanship of the neocons. It was stupid to think (like so much of their plans) this was the way to bring the issues of Syria and Iran into play.
Been on the mind and the dream police haven't found out
It seems we are in one of those epochal times of history. This may go down as when we relented to ubiquitous digital intrusions into our lives. We are not at "1984", yet. But it can't be far around the corner unless we wake up to the importance and severity of what is happening. The portent can be realized by thinking of the mounds of government mandated personal information that has migrated to the private sector. Then think about the government's ability to access your personal information. Not hard to imagine some sort of totalitarian alliance of the government and the corporations.
Ain't a pretty picture: But that is essentially what the telecoms and BushCo did.
Kansas could move into this century
The bodysurfing was great in Lawrence but this gets to our reasons for leaving.
Bill Moyers for President
Shucks, I'd vote for Molly Ivins.
Cunningham used classified bills to cover corruption
Another reminder of the need for an open government.
Blogger discovers the secret
Pssst- and 80% of Digg is junk.
CrankyGeeks on social bookmarking and democratization of the Web
A really good discussion of some of the factors of Web 2.0 today. Dvorak has been around long enough (and been paying attention) so some perspective is gained.
This is our favorite filter/scraper/consolidator site.
via AP: Arrested Bush Dissenters Eye Courts
"In the months before the 2004 election, dozens of people across the nation were banished from or arrested at Bush political rallies, some for heckling the president, others simply for holding signs or wearing clothing that expressed opposition to the war and administration policies. Similar things have happened at official, taxpayer-funded, presidential visits, before and after the election. Some targeted by security have been escorted from events, while others have been arrested and charged with misdemeanors that were later dropped by local prosecutors. "
For now, we still have an independent judiciary. But the Repugs are working on that.
Whassup NerdTV?
Did I miss something with Cringely? I thought the new season was to have started by now.
Via FAS- US Army manual on "Police Intelligence Operations"
A new hybrid realm of operations.
And from the Cato Institute, a
page on "isolated incidences" of botched paramilitary raids here in the states.
Advance, take note
Nice article, I'll be looking for the research paper. I thought these two points could be easily done and would provide dramatic impact for news sites:
“What would be ideal would be to keep track of when you were last on our site and present a package of news that would be different than what others see.”Neil F. Budde, general manager of Yahoo News
This policy of promoting articles on a Web site even after they have lost their “news value” is the one concrete suggestion Dr. Barabási offered to editors, because searches won’t help readers who don’t know what they have been missingThe physicist who led the research, Albert-László Barabási, of the University of Notre Dame
BushCo on the hunt for power, not Osama
So the NYTimes, after playing the patsy, finally recognizes the obvious.
Gingrich seeks to engulf the world in war for the sake of mid-term elections
"We need to have the militancy that says 'We're not going to lose a city,' " Gingrich said. He talks about the need to recognize World War III as important for military strategy and political strategy.
Gingrich said he is "very worried" about Republican's facing fall elections and says the party must have the "nerve" to nationalize the elections and make the 2006 campaigns about a liberal Democratic agenda rather than about President Bush's record.This desire to put us into a global conflict, expressed in many instances recently from the right, is an insight into the cynical, dark desperation of that failed neocon thinking. All the money and time spent on the incubation of neocon policy has produced a record they would prefer not to talk about. There comes a time when all the din of vainglorious exaltation cannot obscure the voice of common sense.
Epistemology: If they really know more than us, why should they bother?
Get down to the nitty gritty and the darling of Web 2.0,
Wikipedia, seems to undermine the base assumptions of the concept.
Being kinda
olde schoolle, I look somewhat askance at this stuff while Ms. Gahran's writings are positively giddy about the subject. My definition of the "new journalism" was formed long ago around the work of
Studs Terkel and I think that's a good place to be for a journalist. It has always been very important that we listen to and hear our audience because they are the important underlying human story. And having listened, you give their story back to them in a way where an individual can see their connection to the events of the world around them.
That's our job. We want to do it better than and unlike any other or the tagging masses will be flocking to that other outlet. Rapidly moving and evolving as it may now be, content is still king. It has worked as a highly imperfect model but so works the free marketplace of ideas.
Ledeen working on his pet project
Mr. Ledeen would like to see the Pahlavi cartel reinstalled in Tehran. He's pushing hard and just can't understand why BushCo is being such a big bunch of weenies.
Shi Tao seeks medical release
As another journalist is jailed for subversive reporting.
Now the fun begins
In a rush to lynch Bill Clinton for something (anything), our conservative adversaries blazed new territory in the citizen's right to to sue a sitting member of the executive branch.
Right back at you. Thank you, Ms. Plame.
Another call for press response to slurs
About two degrees removed from the Jarvis point of view.
The anti-press campaign is a Rovian gambit. If anyone is capable of a successful defense to the onslaught it would be the press. If they want to get down and dirty on this, they need to be prepared for some pretty drastic possibilities.
Disclosed- Hitchens is a bonehead
There was a time when I read and appreciated Hitchens. Since deciding to take the war in Iraq under his wing Hitchens has appeared to take various other insanities as his own also.
Chris, sometimes actions are situational. A disclosure to provide the citizens of this country with a view to what their government is doing in their name falls into a class of deeds far and away removed from the cynical outing of a CIA operative because of the opinions of her husband. Only an idiot from the right would need that explained to them.
NSA protest brings arrests
A request for a meeting with the NSA from the group went unanswered. They were then arrested for failure to obtain a permit.
Here's an idea, make Jeff Jarvis ombudsman of the blogoshere
That should keep him busy enough. Actually, I doubt if he would really be accepted as such and very much for the same reasons that this item carries little weight.
It is important to keep in mind that our Constitution must serve an evolving society so there would seem to be limits on a strict constructionist view. It is not without merit, however, to try to put ourselves inside the heads of the writers of that great document. With that in mind, think about how the early pamphleteers and newspaper publishers would have appeared to them very much as a blogger would today. Both then and now, these information outlets were and are the efforts of individuals or small groups. Herein lies one of the few points in which Jarvis is on firm ground. This has been written about before on this blog: newspapers have been the steward of a right that rests with the citizens of this republic.
Jarvis is desirous of a conversation. The fact is it would be a rather one sided conversation. The other side isn't interested in discussing how newspapers should serve as a curb to their power. They simply want to grab it all. Sorry, that's the truth.
Here's some
insight into what we think about Jeff's qualifications and moral authority as ombudsman.
By the way, happy Independence Day and Viva la Revolucion!
Intellectually vacant Coulter is a plagiarist?
Naw... couldn't be... well, maybe... come to think of it; if she had a sane thought, it would be lonesome.
I imagine lonesome is something she will be feeling quite a bit in the not too distant future. This story from Murdoch's
NY Post is a good indicator of how those on the right might want to distance themselves from her witchy rants.
Cocaine residue in Bush's nose?
Again, drugs or god, the operative phrase is still "messed up"
We sorta started this trend
Well, actually Atrios played it first but didn't have the resolve.
To a motivated hacker or the NSA, our identity can be found. We've yet to implement some of the security measures being considered. We've also backed out of articles that would have required relinquishing our mystery status. We are ambivalent but we see the old principles at work.
We are also one of the most discriminating blogs for comment moderation.