The reckoning on Memorial Day
This day is special because of how we feel about heroes. In the nature of the old saw, "Everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die"; it takes the touch of death to bring that immortal quality to a hero.
I've linked to today's
cursor because, once again, they prove themselves to be one of the best stops on the web. The posts all seem to strike points about how so many of our basic good and cherished values are betrayed by BushCo. This day of remembrance is a good time to ponder the how and why of the heroes we are making today.
There has always been some set of basic lies to every tyranny. A free people enjoy the intellectual and political access that unseats those lies. BushCo is working hard to take away the protections of freedom: The "American Freedom" that is the one shining truth that binds us to all our heroes before. We hope that freedom is as immortal as their heroic souls.
BushCo has from the start struck at the access to government by the press. Imperfect they may be but journalists offer the best shot at dispelling the lies of tyrants. The start was slow and ungainly but the press began to reveal to us a host of lies and dirty truths that could not be spun. It should not come as a shock that BushCo could be so vile as to lie to us about the heroes and villains they were making.
With the
hero's full measure and
death's decisive finality it would seem the existential truths are revealed.