Friday, March 31, 2006
  Shi Tao's family to sue Yahoo?
  Ignatius at WaPo
"...Americans should be grateful that reporters such as Jill Carroll are risking their lives to chronicle this agonizing story -- and tell Americans not what they want to hear, but what they need to know."
Thursday, March 30, 2006
  Amateur media critics
I think I'm an amateur media consumer. However, I've been paid to report.

I know I'm an amateur media critic. However, I've been offered money to be quiet.
  Jill Carroll Released
Very cool.
  "Truth Tour" ain't so truthy
  Windows Live Mail gone now, also
I gave it a whirl but increasingly it seemed to hog up resources whenever it was asked to do something.

I understand what beta means but when, for instance, IE 7 chokes on MSN video; well, make it work with your (MSFT) stuff at least.
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
  Martin Luther on blogging
There is no limit to this fever for writing; every one must be an author; some out of vanity, to acquire celebrity and raise up a name, others for the sake of mere gain.
Martin Luther, German Reformation leader, Table Talk, 1530s(?).

  IE 7- gone
I liked the tabbed browsing and I really wanted the "Feeds" but when it started messin' up some of the video feeds I had to dump it.
  Hair across their arse in Texas
So they are going to fine this kid's parents because his hair is spiked.
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
  IE 7 (in beta)
No more Pandora with it but I should have known the plug-ins would perish (Adobe Reader- gone). It has a nasty habit of dropping pages from the history as you move back and forth. It has also altered most of the display fonts including those in email.

Update: I forgot to mention that otherwise it does seem my settings and preferences carried over (so far). I haven't tried the "Feeds" tool, yet.
Monday, March 27, 2006
  IE 7's tabbed browsing a definite plus
I'm checking out the beta here and the tabs do help speed up my work.
  Chinese police hold filmmaker incommunicado
Wu was working on a documentary about unregistered churches and had been in contact with an activist lawyer.
  Just beggin' for Shrub to invade them
godless heathens
Sunday, March 26, 2006
  Civil war in Iraq a creation of the media? Yeah, right.
Shrub and The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight have recently tried to make the media the focus of the deteriorating situation in Iraq. They seem to think that building one project should be of more importance than the rest of the country going up in flames. For weeks the administration denied the country was sliding into civil war and tried to portray it as a creation of the media. Well, wouldn't you know, BushCo was wrong again.

This administration has attempted to dazzle, baffle and blame as it has miscalculated it's way into a morass. The only way our position will improve is for honest, pragmatic truth to prevail.
Saturday, March 25, 2006
  FEC on web politics
Friday, March 24, 2006
  Bashing the media- DVD DOA
There are a number sites on the Internet attempting to tell the administration's side of events in Iraq. If someone really wanted to get this news out, all they'd have to do is give it to one of them.

It is not the media's job to act as cheering section for a war that, despite all the good intentions of average Americans, has been poorly planned and executed.
  Blog beats bigots
Thursday, March 23, 2006
  Navel gazing because of blogs
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
  For Google (and others) the fun has just begun
...the issues raised in this case are not going to go away. "The Justice Department, under its current management, has an almost insatiable desire for different pieces of information and they're going to continue to seek those under any authority that they have," he observes. "I think Google will pay a tremendous price for having challenged the DoJ... The Department of Justice has a long memory for these things."

The ACLU will be put into a strange position with this as it continues the fight against the COPA. This will mean that for every release to the government that the search engines are coerced into making, they can count on the ACLU coming back for more. Hopefully this will apply even more pressure on the search engines to not make releases to the government.
  Zappa on Crossfire
Twenty years ago Frank was saying we were headed towards a fascist theocracy. Rock'n' Roll didn't rot his brain.
I like this. Tip o' the hat to Amy Gahran and Poynter.
  Cordesman scorecard for Iraq
BushCo does not deserve to be considered competent.
  Fog-bound analysis in WaPo blog
The Froomkin backlash has produced a blog that the author describes as being for the majority of Americans. Apparently, he hasn't been reading any of the polls.

People (and of special interest, the Repug base) are now realizing they got hornswaggled by Shrub and the Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight. The Gang (and they have engaged in the most vile of bullying tactics) has enjoyed a tremendous amount of leniency as their repeated missteps before and after 9-11 were forgiven as we came together as a nation after that attack.

We are all for truth, justice and pie (regardless of who makes it or what flavor). The Repugs should quit wrapping themselves in things they don't own.
  One more example of Bill O'Reilly as a small man
The Dayton paper has gotten caught up in the assault on the judiciary.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
  IRS to allow preparers to sell your data
It just seems that there isn't a corporate interest this administration won't serve at the expense of the common people.

This would appear to be one of those subtle culture changes that would make the other invasive thrusts more palatable.
Monday, March 20, 2006
  Whiny babies make whiny conservatives
  Danish free speech irony
  Borderless international Internet laws?
Eh... depends on who's writin' 'em.
Saturday, March 18, 2006
  Sorta score one for Google, the sorta good guys
Google, the fine folks that host this blog, are running-dogs of the Chinese counterrevolutionaries. The information revolution is old news; knowledge is still freedom.
Friday, March 17, 2006
  Free at Last
Your blog has been reviewed, verified, and whitelisted so that it will no longer appear as potential spam. If you sign out of Blogger and sign back in again, you should be able to post as normal. Thanks for your patience, and we apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.

Blogger Support
Thursday, March 16, 2006
  Feingold Stands Alone
Yeah, he got slapped around for the censure move but sometimes you just gotta do the right thing.

It seems pretty clear that the Democrats think (hope) the Repug's will self-destruct; they are risk-adverse in an atmosphere of declining polls for the administration.
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
  CenSEARCHip- search like the oppressed
Compare results for searches. Interesting that the usual suspects for totalitarianism aren't the only ones that filter.
  CompUSA on Laptop bonanza
Looks like more than a hundred laptops with the auctions all ending very close together. Could be a chance for a deal.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
  Chinese blogger hoax
As I've said before, Chinese netizens aren't interested in becoming pawns or poster children in the international pissing contest.
  Blogger Honors
Some time this evening Blogger decided this had the characteristics of a spam blog. This lonely outpost of the Internet is humbled, once again.
  Google to cough up part
The comments at Fark- they can have my search results when they pry them from my cold, dead, sticky hand.
  Chinese Journalist Arrested
Monday, March 13, 2006
  The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight Misses Again With Moussaoui
I guess I could just chalk this up to the incompetence that comes with their arrogant group-think. Perhaps... but let us wax Rovian (you know, as in Karl) for a minute.

I can't think of a better way for this administration to continue their assault on the judiciary than with this case. Imagine, the one conspirator caught after the 9-11 attack is allowed to live after a federal judge throws out the government's death penalty case because of a lack of deference for the accused's rights. And a female judge at that! I can see Karl's Keyboard Kommando's (nattily dressed in their camouflage pj's) flailing away now.
  Chef a Scientologist
Isaac Hayes has quit "South Park" after the show covered the cult.
  What has the press done for you lately?
  Knight Ridder sold
KR could be counted on to do reporting on BushCO that others weren't.
Sunday, March 12, 2006
  Feingold steps up
Says he will introduce measure to censure Bush.
  Questions on Milosevic's death
It appears things are up in the air.
Saturday, March 11, 2006
  States acting to limit info
The government should be accountable.
  Milosevic Dead
  Poor Peruvian girl victim of baby ring
Not my usual thing but this is repugnant on a level that shocks all the senses and sensibilities.
  AP's Curley on Sunshine Week
Knowledge is good.
Friday, March 10, 2006
  Right Thinking on Web 2.0
But what a laborious way of gettin' there.
  Gouging U.S. soldiers part of AT&T's Iraqi bonanza
  As for the NYTimes in the Feds' sights...
"Taylor adds that nobody has made a convincing case that the NSA program leak did more than trivial damage to national security: 'Qaeda operatives already knew that they could be surveilled anywhere in the world with warrants, and that FISA warrants were notoriously easy to obtain. So the New York Times told them that Bush had decreed that they could be surveilled without warrants. Big deal'."

The only real harm done was to the political fortunes of The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight.
Thursday, March 09, 2006
  "...whatever the media and intellectuals say."
yup, dims usually da culprits.
  Murtha's Stand Honored
  Blogger Exclusion and Protection
This is gonna get hacked so quick.
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
  DHS operating on a prayer
Just in case you've forgotten what our government would do to us.
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
  Gonzales Lies To Europeans
No point in sugar coatin' here.
  What a way to go
Monday, March 06, 2006
  Senate Intelligence Committee Ducks Duty
Sorry, this can't be simply painted as partisan bickering.
Sunday, March 05, 2006
  Missouri says, "What Constitution?"
  Army's Tillman Propaganda Goes to CID
His father, Pat Tillman Sr., last year assailed as "shams" and a cover-up the Army's investigations into his son's death. His mother, Mary Tillman, said it was "disgusting" the Army lied about it.

His father told the Post that he questioned whether another investigation would provide anymore answers.

"I think it's another step," he said. "But if you send investigators to reinvestigate an investigation that was falsified in the first place, what do you think you're going to get?"
Saturday, March 04, 2006
  Won't get fooled, again
"JB - I am interested in this hippy revolution when is that happening?

Well, we think sometime over the next five years. We are just about due for a hippy revival. We won't be called hippies next time but there will be some other catchy name for it. But basically the same sort of thing as we had in the 60's and we are starting to see, the scene is being set and you can see all sorts of social trends, about 14 or 15 different trends, we are familiar with 'Live 8' we are getting more new-agey stuff all this feng shui these sort of things becoming more and more popular you know we are gradually setting the scene for a new hippy revival."

'We Are The World' kinda made me think the same thing, also. But seriously, it does seem that things swing as a pendulum. We have swung as far right as I would care to be (this side of insurrection).
  Chinese Activist Detained
The Chinese government is preparing for the National People's Congress.
  Duh, stepped in it now
The Pentagon supposedly (that qualification comes as this is from the Washington Times) has discovered that they are in a morass.

The article has up front the notion that it amounts to a simple math problem; terrorists are being made faster than they can be killed. Now the wingnuts and keyboard commandos (dressed in their camouflage pj's) will tell you that just means we need to kill them faster. What this really indicates is that the war is being poorly fought.
  Steadily Increasing Chinese Military Expenditures
Friday, March 03, 2006
  Sunshine Week is coming
  More weirdness than I ever had any idea existed
  PW gets the love he deserves
  China Detains Protesters
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
  72% of troops want out of Iraq in a year
  Google Open To Industry and Government Standards For Ethical Conduct
iconoclastic will do, thank you.

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