Michael J. Totten: Fisking Juan Cole
I will rise to the defense of the good professor (somewhat). I think Prof. Cole's concerns are not without merit. I also think that sometimes intellectual seduction is more subtle. There is a cadre of bloggers that have worked closely together to further the Republican agenda. It would not be unreasonable to say IraqThe Model has come under their sway.
And of course, because this concerns blogs in general (Jeff would seem to be saying him personally,also), Mr. Jarvis jumps in to call the professor "pond scum". Buzzmachine says Prof. Cole is nothing but negative about Iraq. Jeff is quite the cheerleader.
He's got a megaphone for the bloggers' pep club. He just doesn't get it that this medium is just as susceptible to the same pressures as the old. And just like the MSM, +90% of the expression of editorial view is in the news selection.
Now I'm not the technophile that Jeff is, so I just did this simple (Thune, Daschle, Dakota)Google search of his site for the past three months. I was looking for some comment on the South Dakota bloggers who were supposedly fair but pro-Thune while being paid by the Thune campaign. Below is the link. Maybe he is just not aware that these things can go on.