BuzzMachine Pledge
We don't need no stinkin' pledge, so to speak. I'm not taking one. This effort by Jeff strikes me as one more example of his cuttin' edge orthodoxy. It is delusional statesmanship. I need no other (though they abound) justification for my stance than the example of unstatesman-like behavior provided by the Rovian tactic of voter suppression organized along racial lines. These are not nice people. I'm sorry; in anyway overlooking, condoning, sanctioning or rationalizing this tactic points to a fundamental flaw.
With a few notable exceptions such as the execution of organizational efforts at GOTV of your base; the hardball, hard work of politics is played between election days.
No, I pledge to fight. The stakes are far too high to give up now. We know exactly the nature of the beast we fight here. I can think of no reason to sugarcoat it.