Instapundit.... Contest!!!???
I am still reading the articles and posts on information spread so I am not prepared to make the tie-in to this particular subject. I am also working on another project soon to debut. Alluded to a previous post, more on this later. I do have to say that one of the reasons why I have focused on Instapundit is because of the relatively high caliber of the discourse. But my reading to date has yet to find a day pass that does not contain a Reynolds made or endorsed posting that was not anything but pure Republican spin with a shaky factual connection. The Republican thing is not a problem, the basis is.
Despite a real affinity for the form, I have always had this nagging, cynical reservation about the blogs. Simply that they would be subject to the same venal, ego-driven forces as other human intellectual endeavors. The loftiest of purposes have not excluded these from occurring in the likes of publishing, arts criticism and academia. Sometimes the linking in blogs is not illuminating, just incestuous.
I was going to go with the tagline at the end of the previous post as the header on this one. Instead, I thought we would have a contest. I thought the "Instapundit runs..." was a halfway decent aping of a NYPost header for the subject. The game here is to come up with the best tabloid-style header for this posting. The prize is an official (wink, nod) Halliburton property tag with a Shrub or Dick Cheney serial number affixed, winner chooses. The contest is open until 12:00 a.m. (EST), Friday, March 19, 2004. The winner will be announced Friday evening. I will email the winner for shipping instructions. Send your entries to:
Now, on to this matter. I posted on this back in December and I have to say it is what really made me start to take a more critical look at Instapundit. I thought that his writing on the matter had glaring omissions. My post:
This past week a number of conservative sites linked to the story of a woman arrested in Texas for selling "marital aids". The links would have also educated you to the fact that only three states in the country have the word "dildo" in their penal codes. As it is, those three states are Texas, Kansas and Colorado and all are very conservative, Republican states.
This gets to why I feel the bulk of the current crop of conservatives are a bunch of double-speaking, lying hypocrites. These guys trash big government and the rule of law particularly as it hinders the money/resource/power grabbing abilities of their ideological beneficiaries. And these little stories are supposed to show how even some obscure little (a reference to a similar home party plan has been removed here, the lawyers have enough to do -ed.) party giver can land up in the clutches of big law. Particularly when the wanted woman of widgets decides to enroll her business with the local Chamber of Commerce.
This crop of conservatives has been playing political footsie with the very elements that propagate these kinds of strictures. They are getting what they are really after. What are they complaining about?
There it is. A little bit of vitriol, but it speaks to the hypocrisy I so detest. See you in the winners' circle.