This Labor Day weekend I want to remember all the men and women I have worked with and a few that I never had the honor of working with.
We, that have built this country with our hands, sweat and toil, are greatful for the respite of this weekend. We know and are thankful that there are fellow citizens still working in distant lands, in earnest effort to build a better land for our families here at home and for the family of men everywhere in the world.
We now have a President who lacks that working perspective: Who has no appreciation of the deep sacrifice that each one of these working people makes, how they give over their minds and bodies each day for those around them.
Labor has built this country. We are not the so-called movers and shakers, we are the builders. We give our lives and limbs day in and day out. Those that have no affinity for this life have no appreciation of the sacrifices made. They feel that only those movers and shakers can hold the helm of our destiny, that organized labor can only get in the way of their great plans.
Not too long ago, the President said civilian employees of the homeland security department would present an obstacle to national security if they were allowed to organize as union members. I would like remind everyone where the unions were on September 11, 2001 and where the President was on that day.
My union brothers and sisters were in New York City, Washington, D.C. and aboard an airplane over Pennsylvania. In each one of these places, union members bravely, honorably went to their deaths for the sake of their fellow citizens. They had little knowledge of the scope of what was happening that day or what might await them on the next flight of stairs. But they went.
While these lives were being given in self-sacrifice, what was our President doing? Why his scared, scab ass was scurrying halfway across the country on a humbug. A threat that no one seems to really know where it came from or what it was.
In whose hands would you put the security of our nation?
The "Daily Howler"( is on a rant about the "lying liars" Rich Lowry, Mickey Kaus and Byron York. He wonders how long the people are going to stand for it.
I pretty much blame the people who are suppose to supply us with the truth for this jaded acceptance of the factually challenged. For far too long the press has operated on the basis of the press release and official statement. It was speedy and seemed to do the work of the people, letting their government speak to them. And when it was shown to be a lie, well, the hard work of digging out the truth is just too much and they all do it anyway.
So, if all you are ever going to get is a lie, might as well go with the information sources that give you that warm, comfortable feeling. And you should really just accept them blindly, for truth is to be found nowhere.
The only way this cycle will ever be broken is for we who carry that torch of freedom that gives us the light of knowledge to show that the truth shall be known.
Complications in the use of the editorial "we" aside, we will try to keep this simple. After all, Penheaded is about the pinheaded. Penheaded has one of the all time stupid, pinhead philosophies. We feel superior. The plethora of pinheads makes that possible. Penheaded will be pinheaded, as we have to be. We have our work cut out for us and we are humbled by the task at hand. But Penheaded is not that simple.
Penheaded will be a humble, superior pinhead. As American as can be, we will attain greatness with humility. Penheaded takes a place in the free marketplace of ideas along with the media whores, demagogues, and pinheaded. We will do our best to live up to that tradition. We will engage in self-aggrandizing self-importance whenever possible and when we think it necessary to further the responsible discussion of ideas.
Well, if something must be done, then it must be started.
Right now we are suffering from writer's block. But in the coming weeks there should be considerable activity here. Currently working to develop an on-line presence for those that think the world has gone loopy. I guess the world has always been a crazy place, sense wasn't always to be found.
But our country has embarked on a course of foreign policy that has been fueled on a tremendous propoganda campaign. The ultimate rationalization for the larger struggle has been shielded from the public. And hence, our right to determine the political destiny of our nation has been taken away.