MSE saves again
This is the second time that a Java exploit was picked up from a recommended site on
Popurls. The computer was on for about five minutes this morning before the warning was flashed.
Phone companies as bankers
That right there is a nightmare in the making. We'll have to admit, we were enamored with the idea of paying with a cell but this one point has stopped us cold.
Also, add this Dvorak article to the list of why we miss Cranky Geeks.
Psst, CNN and SI: The movie was called "North Dallas Forty"
The "secret" movie about the life of an NFL player came out in 1979.
The phrase is "Playin' with pain".
Really goofy.
"The best defense is..." Cyber counter attack as defensive strategy
The military/security apparatus is currently implementing this response and essentially it levels the playing field. Current response posture of private business means that large and sophisticated criminal organizations can mount attacks without any real concern for the ongoing operation of their network.
However, a very close analogy can be drawn to the firearms training that law enforcement gets: You don't want to be shooting any innocent bystanders.
Loughner poses in g-string with gun
In our opinion this, more than anything, ties him to the right wing.
Ironic use of blood libel defense- Further proof that Palin has never had an original thought
video response to the criticism she has received since the Gifford shooting is out. And of course, wouldn't you know it, she probably scraped "blood libel" from the earlier article in the WSJ by the Instapundit. We also noticed that her earlier use of the phrase "man up" had been recently preceded by its use by Sharon Angle. She obviously has a limited media diet and is dependent on it for her also limited repertoire.
The phrase "blood libel" has its root in an earlier Christian anti-Semitic accusation and has expanded in use to also include blood sacrifice and cannibalism. The irony is that Palin was one of the principal purveyors of the "death panel" lie. Suddenly she gets sensitive about those sorts of things.
We thought the Instapundit deserved a rebuke for the WSJ article but just didn't get around to it. We've never really liked Instapundit but never took him for an idiot as we do with some of the others on the right. It was just that his thinking was on the level of the slimy, weaselly, lawyerly kind of cliche.
As for those that would make political hay out of tragedy, let us not forget 9/11. Instapundit pretty much owes his online existence to that. Suddenly he gets sensitive about those sorts of things.
Palin's political career is toast
Rep. Gifford's (and the other bystanders) shooting will mean the end of whatever chance Palin had.