Ah shucks, folks are marketing in the social media
We thought they would be content in the
virtual worlds. What's next, spam-blogs? Oh, the horror.
This post came complete with a link to
Wikipedia on when free speech should be limited.
Web 2.0 wisdom needs filters?
Sure does. If you think the teeming masses hold the truth we've got a Pet Rock we'd like to sell to you (actually it's just a rock but we'll wipe it off and tell you it's a pet).
We like the
doggdot aggregator as a filter of Web attention.
Nader throws his funny hat in the ring
Try as he might, he doesn't seem to really add anything to the process. On the bright side, he probably won't siphon off enough of the progressive voters to matter in this election.
Supremes give BushCo a bogus walk
There is something basically wrong with such a tight view of law when the government is perpetrating a crime against its citizens. Any legal body truly interested in justice would have brought the government to account.
Cox on
Ana Marie is a good match for BhTV.
We are beginning to like Jon Fine's animated style. We'd like to see Fine and Bob Wright in a eyeballs roll-off.
SCOTUS denies ACLU claim from 6th Court of Appeals
Catch-22: Victims are secret, no way to tell if petitioners are victims.
Telco immunity caught in political dance
As the WaPo notes, BushCo usually wins in these face-offs.
Telco immunity all but done deal
Kinda really sucks. And that's puttin' it mildly.
The Big Dogs on telco immunity
Never would have guessed the conservatives at the WSJ won't be honest about this. (snark)
Shuster assaulted Chelsea but she deserved it?
No doubt, the Clintons are consumate spinners: They've gotten a couple of whirls themselves. For instance, the one that says a universally displayed behavior is something more sinister in their hands.
We applaud the campaign's adroit ability to turn this one on its ear. This was coldly served political revenge for unreasonable attacks; not a case of they had it comin' to 'em just because they could respond.
Stop the presses! Shafer has a brilliant idea
One newspaper (executed across new and old media lines) could change the very nature of news in our society. A news organization with the resources (yes, most likely of a philanthropic nature) to raise expectations of what news can and should be.
Ideally, the news outlet would be driven with true entrepreneurial spirit to show these goals can be had at a profit.
Telco spying compensation as economic stimulus
We've said before there appear to be Constitutional problems with granting immunity.
Cracked comes of age
We're probably outside the target demographic but we're finding more things to like about Cracked.
Growing up, Mad Magazine always seemed the more polished of the two. Not so anymore.
Obama and the board
A little old: The editorial board and columnists of the SF Chronicle sit down with the candidate for a fairly friendly session.
We are not convinced, yet.
We're playin' with this. Another crack at using the Web as an application.
We're running Firefox in XP on a 2.8 GHz HT P4 with 2 GB of RAM.
In Solidarity
Jim Risen of the NYTimes got a grand jury Subpeona for exposing the Bush administration's illegal spying activities.
We that work for the free and informed electorate that drives democracy should stand with Jim Risen.
Sisterhood is powerful
Coulter, on Fox, says she'll back Hillary if McCain is the Republican nominee.
We'll see what kind of trash she is talking later.