Election predictions on Cranky Geeks: Dvorak loses
Dvorak and Scoble wager in this January, '08 episode.
9/11 Commission hijinks
More fodder for those of us inclined to believe the process was cooked.
Telco Immunity
We like the idea of challenging this on Constitutional grounds.
Cynicism leads us to believe this will pass.
Repugs reconsider Rich
We received this from a Republican we know. Previously, any opportunity to read Rich would have most likely been declined by this same person; you know, that liberal thing would have been a turn-off.
It seems that Republican sentiment is a mixed lot alternating between salivating over the chance to run against the Clintons and just enjoying the Democratic party's desertion of Hillary.
For some, the impending likelihood of losing the White House doesn't seem so bad just as long as Hillary loses.
Tekzilla brings FM radio's yin and yang to Web video
Big fans of
DL.TV, we were glad to follow Patrick Norton and Roger Chang over to
Tekzilla. This show retains
DL's earlier format of approximately 30 minutes and pairs Patrick with Jessica Corbin.
Initial scanning of the accumulated episodes did send up one flag that we'll be watching for future instances. Patrick, on
DL.TV, did a number of segments around
Drobo and seemed positive about the product; fine. But we noticed the same positive reaction to the product on
Tekzilla with
Drobo as a sponsor. A cozy relationship between
manufacturers and this type of show isn't out of the ordinary. We just hope not overly cozy.
Obama camp: Let's make a deal
Increasingly, this sort of scenario seems to be the likely outcome for Edwards.
Hillary can now up the ante to VP.
Vista: Secure but we'll wait till '09
XP's upcoming SP3 and performance issues with Vista have prompted us to delay any additional utilization of MSFT's latest OS.
On Rev. King's day: Beyond race
This 1995 FAIR article that hit the social networks is representative of something bubbling up in the media.
We hope that when invoking the name of Rev. King, any politician recognizes their obligation to have the same courage and denounce our current counterproductive war.
DL.TV jumps the shark
Recent analysis indicates that video viewing on the web is largely done in smaller bites. For the show to survive with the shortened format will require tighter editing and stage management.
Web 2.0 and Journalism: The self-indulgent bubble
Ted has a passion for hockey. Judy Miller had a passion for WMD's.
A journalist needs humanity and a passion for truth. a new Tiger Direct?
Systemax has a very spotty record with Tiger Direct and we hope they do better with
Meta-Tech Journalism on Cranky Geeks
Just caught this. Zachary and Markoff from the NYTimes are illuminating and pessimistic.
SANS warning on portable devices
We purchase a fair number of these items from tertiary sources on eBay. We have yet to have a security problem.
News communities
Objectivity was the elusive standard for a large part of the history of American journalism. These days, you need a group to tell you what's up. This link is offered after we visited and were visited by
Skewz. We have contributed to Newstrust.
NLPC via Romenesko: Carlisle pimps the Clinton lesson
The dark side of user content; MSM looks ripe for it.
Skewz: nice concept, questionable results
This is via our somewhat
flaky friends at Poynter's E-Media Tidbits (i.e., far too many instances to list here but one example is the most recent prior entry on page view bonuses; it could easily destroy some of the best newspaper work).
Iverson brings up
Skewz's assessment of
NFW we're
linkin') and Left and right for sure.
Iverson says those reasonable and considerate folks at
LGF require registration before posting (to comments!!!???)... "in order to deter flaming...". Funny, it always seemed they would rather just preach to the rabid choir and were afraid some sanity might seep into the comments.
SF Gate, a somewhat mainstream spin-off of the SF Chronicle, is very liberal. Well, it is the San Francisco market they serve and therein lies the crux: That city is the "Hillary" of the American urban geopolitical landscape.
Skewz assesses these two sites and comes up with
LGF being moderate to center right and
sfgate being strong (far?) to center left on stories posted.
Iverson is right about one thing, more is needed to complete this comparative picture.
Your intro to PHP
Great introductory set of screencasts for those of us just learning.