I've been saying there's something in the water in Colorado
Actually, she's probably just tryin' to out-Repug the field.
Please kick this idiot out of the Democratic party. Or run a stronger candidate.
Colbert does the right wing thing for Shrub
I passed on linking to the E&P story. They missed something that I noticed and so did
Peter Daou.
Just about everything I saw in the news was about Bush playing along and not about the turd in the pool that Colbert left. According to a number of witnesses Bush was upset.
Update: I watched the CSPAN video; the audience, on the whole, wasn't amused either. Colbert landed a few solid ones on the press. I agreed with Colbert's principle thrusts but I don't think it was some of his funnier stuff.
The gaggle will now really be a Snow job
Tony will bring a much higher level of skill to the WH briefings. I'm not saying things will be better, just that someone like NBC's David Gregory will really get a run for their money.
LA Times critic says Public Eye not a truth teller
After I read a frequent contributor there, the
Anchoress, laud Michelle Malkin for her investigative work I knew it was a post-Rathergate sacrifice to the right-wing blogoshere.
Net neutrality- one honkin' big myth
In case you've never noticed, I tend to give rather short takes on what are often very complicated subjects. I don't like "wordy" and I kinda have a feeling that there is a basic simplicity to any truth. Perhaps I don't always give full weight to every nuance of an issue but that is part of the filtering process. So, having said that, I will give my take on this issue.
Number 1 (with a bullet), I kinda get an uneasy feeling about lining up with likes of Instapundit and the Libertarians. I can relate to the Libertarians' philosophy but as a social structure (anti-structure or not) it falls short. My trouble with the Libertarian thinking rests somewhere within the old joke about them wanting to legalize drugs and prostitution but not wanting their daughters to be crackwhores. They kinda just haven't thought their philosophy all the way through. As for lining up with the Instapundit, well, I kinda just see his position on this as in keeping with his conservative nature; not willing to come to terms with a changing world. Also in keeping with his conservative thought, he doesn't want to do anything to screw with the economic model that has been so good to him.
As somewhat of a student of the history of journalism in this country, and a lover of the free flow of information and ideas, I have a great affection for what we call the free marketplace of ideas in this country. I know the press has had some miserable failures through the years (and very recently gave us some pointed lessons in their failings) but I have maintained this love for the American press. It operated in a marketplace of ideas and audiences. There seemed to be somewhat of an imperfect justice or validity to what folks were willing to pay for. And freedom of the press belonged to he who owned the press (don't worry, I get around later to dealing with the Jeff Jarvis Blog-Boosters take on that one). The interplay of various social and economic forces just seemed to fall into place to bring us this beautifully faulted freedom.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not a big defender of capitalism or the ISP's (I'd like to take a big dump on Verizon). I also know that there are all kinds of and degrees of tyranny. Control may be sought of even the airways of the ether (the public's or not, one big fat economic sacred cow). But look
here for some idea of the non-neutrality of the web. There is great deal of social and economic filtering already going on with the web: Just not so overt.
Now for this thing with the blogs: The freedom of owning a (free $$) press was given to anybody with an Internet connection and an
ego. I'm not altogether sure that this form of "citizen media" has added greatly to the quality of discourse. I know that blogs are used by most readers to reinforce or assuage their own ego and therein resulted a certain tyranny of the mob. They were a significant contributing factor to the MSM taking a pass on the responsibility to question the government in the run-up to war; nor did the blogs provide an adequate alternative. I know that Sturgeon's Law will ensure that some will rise above the others but the price of the press/access has meant an undue equalization in the valuation of ideas. Think that's silly? Take a look at the web indices tomorrow.
I think it is inevitable that some aspects of web neutrality will be lost. I believe that maximizing return on an investment in infrastructure is as natural as the desires of the shareholders of Knight Ridder. Good luck with Web 2.0/kumbaya stuff when it comes to economics. In the end it will probably come down to something similar to cable and you'll just pay for the "channels".
Rice leaked to AIPAC?
I'm not comfortable with the AIPAC prosecutions but they are important in getting to the bottom of exactly how our foreign policy has been formulated and implemented. These folks are probably being prosecuted wrongly. I do like seeing people playin' it fast and loose (not primarily in our interests) gettin' caught up in this kind of mess.
BushCo has wanted to play both sides of the leaking game. And, really, the recent WaPo editorial that was rightly, roundly kicked just happened to come up on the bad side of a good point.
The deep thinkers of the right in the shallow end of the fray or Bennett shoots craps
Bennett is, ironically, locking in on what he thinks is a disconnect.
Dana and her WaPo story deserve the Pulitzer. The matter may be dispensed with ready ease through a very simple examination of what her story revealed to who.
On one side you have a group of religious wacko's (no, not Bennett and Robertson, the other ones) who say they will face death. They found out that bad things might happen.
On the other side you have the American public. They found out just how vicious and stupid BushCo was. Prior to Dana's reporting, how many Americans out of any hundred do you think would have given credence to the idea that a gulag was being run in their name?
And if we found ourselves a little red-faced internationally, well, that again is far outweighed by our facing up to what our country was doing.
Via NPR: FBI spokesman says Anderson flap has grown "shrill"
There is some speculation that one of the interests of the FBI is a group of papers referred to as the "Crown Jewels". The dates their indicated interest extents to (approx. 25 years ago) would support this.
FBI threatens family over Anderson papers
And they are, so far, hangin' tough.
Two very speculative points here (that I would bet the rent on):
Jack Anderson would have taken a great deal of pride in what his family is doing and also that he threatens the powers that be even from his grave.
The FBI is more worried about embarrassment than they are national security. The material they seek bears more on worries about domestic consumption and not external threats.
Anybody want to take this action?
Tony Snow on short list to be presidential press secretary
Little deviation would be expected from his Fox News script.
RSF: Yahoo aiding in the suppression of Chinese speech
And Google, the fine folks that host this blog, are also tools of the Chinese despots.
Via FAS- Anderson's family does the right thing
The FBI's purported reasons for wanting the papers (AIPAC investigation going back to 1980) sounds mighty ridiculous.
The FBI, keeper of history
The G-men want a first look at Jack Anderson's donated papers.
Too cool, Shrub listens to the Archies
And according to some, his Beatles downloads are illegal.
What a maroon.
Media coverage of Iraq panel
I'm just now viewing this Reuters sponsored panel on the subject. One of our favorites, Rebecca MacKinnon, was involved via her association with Global Voices.
Also involved was one of the people we identified some time ago, James Taranto, as one of the larger blivets on the web. Mistakenly believing that we would find quality conservative thought in something associated with the Wall Street Journal, we read his "Best of the Web" longer than we should have spent the time on it. He spoke while on this panel, his usual goofy stuff, but I stuck it out.
Pollard still where he should be, in jail
About the only clear headed news out of this story is that the Israeli Supreme Court refused to grant Pollard "Prisoner of Zion" status.
Chinese government tuning their censorship
Broadcast news limited along with dramas.
Parallel Thinking on Iran
Hadn't seen this till it came up on Blogdex but for sure the handwriting is on the wall.
In case you were worried, huge tax savings for IBM
Another corporate giveaway that didn't quite work out.
Take a load off Sy- my response
Sy Hersh has been catching it from all sides since his story broke. I thought that when all the elements of the story were weighed it had the ring of truth.
Firstly, the administration's response to events surrounding Iraq hasn't been just spin and bluster. The true believers really do feel that a few "tactical errors" should not take away from the the validity of their grand geopolitical scheme. It would be unwise to underestimate the foolhardy hubris of this crew. In the run-up to the war in Iraq, no one really thought that they would take us to war without giving serious consideration to the considerable doubts about their reasons and methods. They obviously did and without any chagrin will just as handily sweep aside objections to this latest foreign adventurism. Oh, it is quite possible.
Secondly, the 2006 elections present only a small problem to the administration in their pursuit of the Iranian mission. The great mass of the American people will behave very much the way they did when they were bombarded with all the alarmist rhetoric concerning Saddam. The talking points for the demonization of the Iranian leadership are already floating about. The Bush administration has been working the IAEA enough to give the veneer of multi-lateralism to their effort and the peek behind the curtain that Hersh has given us isn't enough to throw them off track. They will doggedly pursue Iran because it really is the "money" shot to their Mideast gambit.
Sometime early this summer the Republicans will come to a point when they must decide how to play the Iranian issue in the upcoming elections. They will make a choice between using it to rally voters around them or to wait until after the '06 election to play their hand in Iran. In full recognition of the audacity of Rove & company, I'm still betting on after the election.
I just don't see it as Hersh's responsibility as an investigative reporter to fill in these speculative blanks. Just as with his early reporting on Abu Ghraib, he shouldn't be expected to answer for us the moral and philosophical questions about what we, as a country, present to the world. I don't think it is a mischaracterization to say that the great mass of American people, even after his reporting, accepted torture as an expedient means to our end. I don't think Sy Hersh would have made that choice and it is not his fault we did.
Blogdex not updating
They've been known to be sporadic in the past. I've always preferred Blogdex over Daypop.
Bush lied (again)
Shrub knew the trailers weren't part of Saddam's WMD.
Update (4-12-06) The WH beat ABC into a retraction about Bush knowing. The timeline is such that Shrub could have known before he made the statement. Again, they're whipping the CIA on this one. BushCo does have a habit of not listening to anything they don't want to hear.
CBS cameraman acquitted in Iraq
Iraqi court's decision means he is sent back to Abu Ghraib prison to await US military disposition. He was shot and taken into custody in April, 2005.
In honor of Shrub- Yalie Daze # 2
All four candidates broke election rules. By Rovian standards, that means it was a fair contest.
Porcelain wisdom from the ivory tower
"The New York Post gossip scandal proves the Yale trend. As long as there are toilets, print's future will be safe."
Via Kos: the Narus 6400
AT&T/NSA's data filter.
NYDN pulls out the stops for the "Page 6" story
Stern is obviously front and center in this story but it appears there was a systemic problem throughout the rag.
Wouldn't you know it, it was a Murdoch rag practicing this high caliber journalism.
Hersh says operational planning underway for attack on Iran
He's called this kind of thing correctly before (and he is right more than he's wrong).
He also indicates there is some back pressure from the military professionals. I don't think they want to get sucked into another hare-brained scheme.
Chinese economists question reforms course
Without explanation the minutes of the March forum were posted online.
Abiding faith in the courage and wisdom of Americans
I lack a great deal of the jingoistic pride that we Americans are often accused of having. I know from experience that flag wrapped calls to rally around the country are usually just invitations to suspend rational thought. It is very much an elitist device that says
dribbles and drabs of half-truths will sway the body politic. When that time passes when some (maybe even most) were fooled; the wisdom and courage of we as a people, the democratic all, will be left still standing.
From a relatively small pool of about forty Americans aboard Flight 93 on that faithful day were to be found courageous individuals, who of their own accord, would act to give their lives for what they thought was the larger good: No spin, propaganda nor half-truths required.
About that same time George W. Bush, aboard Air Force 1, would begin flying around the country because he didn't have a clue what to do.
EFF says AT&T diverting Internet traffic to NSA
If this is true it is mind-blowing. I think we can at that point (finding it to be true) say that things have gotten out of hand.
Judas, the enlightened?
here, the role of Judas is being reconsidered. The archetype of scoundrel, mere tool or Gnostic wonder; these discoveries fuel the natural debate.
Chinese journalist tortured
His wife says that a local CCP official he was investigating for corruption is the source of the trumped up charge of extortion.
Take the Chevy Tahoe to Tehran
RB generated commercial. Simple, to the point; pretty cool.
Meme da jour- a journalist's reticence
So Jeff goes to Jay... "So Jay pushes The Times to follow the examples of The
Guardian editor's blog and
CBS News transparency blog..."
The Public Eye says... "And in the same way, it's easy to understand how CBS is CBS when it comes to Public Eye. Only it really isn't. You see, we enjoy a separation from the news division of CBS that is pretty unique in journalism. We work under the banner of CBS Digital Media, not CBS News. "
As everyone knows, like Jeff and Jay, we're all Web 2.0/Kumbayah over here. We also know that funny little things like money tend to drive the shifts of media. The big media companies are still looking at these as separate revenue streams.
HSA official arrested as perv
I guess they really screened this guy.
PBS- DeLay Resigns
It is so nice that I just had to post it, again.
Maybe prison reform will move up on the Repug docket.
DeLay won't run
Given, slow to work; but a victory for the system. Well, of sorts; The corrupt little snit can now get a job through Washington's revolving (revolting) placement service.
Condi gets a taste of Baghdad
And doesn't like it. So much for the stability and resources we've put in place after three years.
Shrub just says stupid things more than the rest of us
McCain said: "Look, we all say things that are stupid. ... I'm sure that the president has re-evaluated his position in light of Putin's recent actions." McCain, R-Ariz., added: "It was early in his presidency. The president was trying to develop a good relationship with Putin. ... I don't mean stupid. I'll say it was stupid as far as I'm concerned, but all of us make statements that are sometimes not correct in hindsight."
McCain would be wise to establish a good distance between himself and the White House. Even without saying things like the above, the WH will probably make his political life hell. BushCo will need Frist right up until the end so they will do their best not to alienate him. BushCo is gonna end their reign by paying off political favors (If you thought the Clinton pardons were sleazy then hold on for one slimy ride) and Rove is still gonna need a job after Shrub leaves the WH.
Gen. Zinni on Meet The Press
Military planners were run over by folks that thought they were smarter than everyone else.
Wikipedia pulls Taylor article
Jerry Taylor went off in ignorance (I think we've all done it, just not threatening with the FBI) and he had some help in that area. I guess it wouldn't be so bad except Taylor thinks it was his behavior that finally got results.
Myself, if Taylor had contacted me and continued in that tone after I had tried to help him; well, I would have taken the time to later talk to an FBI agent just to allow him to make an even bigger ass of himself.
I come down on the side that says Wikipedia shouldn't be shielding this kind of individual. He is probably the type that would draw a lawyer on them. After much money it would most likely come out that he had lost the normal protections of privacy for ordinary citizens.
Unrepentant bonehead
10 bucks says this guy is a Republican
Carroll states the obvious
Meanwhile, the
comments at LGF are what you would expect from that group of idiots.
Don't take anything Rice says "literally"
Condi is already backing off on the
"...thousand..." mistakes remark. Rove musta had a seizure when he heard that. Admitting mistakes may not be the best thing for your standing in the polls but it is the first step in formulating a corrective action.
Today's statement is just one more that we can't take seriously. Condi says we're not supporting undemocratic regimes any longer. Okay, let's start with Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.
Somebody get back to me when Rice is done sputtering on that one.
Internal AT&T documents classified?
WTF? The EFF seems to think the material in question is the slam dunk in their suit against AT&T for participation in the illegal taps. So of course it just happens that the DOJ doesn't want it included.