Iraq does Pol Pot
Academics and intellectuals who speak out against the occupation are being killed.
BoingBoing Takes a Stand Against SmartFilter
I'm behind this 99%. I think it would behoove every netizen to actively work for open access to the web for everyone. After all, that is what this whole web kumbayah thing is about. This is political/social action on a worldwide scale.
On the other hand; when one business entity announces an intention to deleteriously effect another it may become a subject of tort. I wouldn't want to see my buddies at BoingBoing involved in a pissing contest that would just soak their shoes.
Ixnay on the putting out of business talk. Everything else is cool; just do what has to be done and let SmartFilter decide on their own options.
Further adventures of The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight
They also have problems with riding bicycles and chewing pretzels. As usually the case with this crew, they are seldom called to account.
What the...
Eh... I, as most of the rest of the human race, am still trying to wrap my brain around quantum physics but it still hasn't taken on the feel of the mystical. Here's a new age answer to Intelligent Design.
Tillman movie for NRO
Probably far too much irony for Hollywood (or The Corner) to handle.
White House Rejects Special Counsel
GAO and DOJ have already ducked the domestic spying issue.
Osama versus The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight
This is kinda old but well worth keeping in current thought. I've always felt (and done my best to communicate) that BushCo (The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight) was severely hampered by hubris and ignorance. They've snoozed through a pending threat and continue to misjudge Osama through their own cultural perspective, not by his own deeply rooted one.
The IT Crowd
Fawlty Towers for nerds. A hoot and a half.
Everyone is crying out for peace,
but none are crying out for justice. Everyone wants to go to heaven but no one wants to die.
Iraqi journalists killed
You gotta wonder how the continued use of some journalists for propaganda is effecting how all journalists are perceived in Iraq.
Cheney Drunk?
Yes, with power but I meant inebriated when he shot his buddy.
Santorum Shady
Who woulda guessed that a god-spoutin', holier-than-thou Repug would be as crooked as a dog's hind leg?
This smells bad, particularly the part about his high overhead charity.
Victim apologizes to Shooter
Good call by Josh; a world turned end over end.
Innovative, good journalism gets some notice
I linked to a story about what the students at Swarthmore are doing once before.
I gotta admire their pluck and creativity in doing this. Smart and inspired journalism is still being learned today. Glad to see them getting their due.
Squirrelly situation when Cheney hunts quail
I am sure the administration would like to see this laid to rest and I doubt the truth will come out while Shrub/Cheney are at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. I mean, really, can you trust anything that comes out of their mouth? The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight has developed covering for their screw-ups into a high art form. Matalin was shoveling hard here.
As one staunchly partisan Republican said to me, Cheney pulled a Teddy. And it seems like the press is just chasing their own tale and tailing behind the real issues. They kinda got suckered into focusing on the wrong delay. Don't get me wrong, the press was shut out by the Cheney team for a reason: They knew they could only keep the locals at bay if the national media wasn't hounding them.
I was gonna hit a rant here. Rosen and Huffington hit the high points.
RConversation on IT business ethics in China
Yahoo's high sounding statement is pretty much just a weenie attempt at shifting the moral responsibility for their actions to others.
This link is almost a week old; it kinda got lost in the shuffle but is important enough to mention even now.
Old media take note, this is called backbone
Couple of weeks ago when the gasbags on the right were beatin' up on Google I wondered what was up. Probably just a coincidence that this was playing out behind the scenes.
Dana makes funny
And jerkin' the crazed gopher's chain, too.
Risky Business
More than sixty journalists have died in Iraq.
Gregory and McClellan Dance
NBC's David Gregory continues his winning streak.
These folks are not friends of a free press
Pardon the random shot but after reading about InstaGlenn on CNN this was the neocon gasbag on the Blogdex page when this revelation struck me. This cartoon thing has given them the chance to act all open, freedom loving and stuff. They're not; don't let 'em fool you.
Every single one of these pukes has carried water for this administration when it has sought to deny journalists access to information needed by the electorate to make informed political judgments. You have to go all the way back to the Nixon Whitehouse to find a group of Repug's that was as willin' to beat down and bullshit the press. Right now this administration is gearing up to prosecute those in the press, and those that informed them, of BushCo's illegal torture and surveillance activities. The kinda things the electorate
really needs to know about.
We'll see how much they remain champions of the free press.
Dead-eye Cheney scores another hit
It will later be revealed that this accidental shooting struck someone that voted Democrat or was an al Qaeda operative.
Booyahoo! Two (and counting)
Standard boilerplate: Google is also a running dog...
Sunshine Week
These days there's little appreciation for what the press has meant for our society. Even if they've been bungling fools a great deal of the time, just the possibility they might get it right has kept quite a few in line.
Friedan dies at 85
So I asked a poli-sci professor what he thought of the women's movement.
It's better than no movement at all.
Here we go, again
Foreign adventurism seldom pays. We're reapin' the seeds we've planted in the Mideast.